I have been working on a couple of large pieces which aren't ready yet. One is a close up shot of a pink rose. . . just haven't had the time to get much done. I have also been creating lots of ATC's. . .
Yesterday did an exercise on value. First I setup my model - which was an apple with only one light source. I ended up loving this picture, and I think I am going to end up painting it in full color. After taking several pictures and spending at least an hour editing my picture, I did a quick pencil sketch only trying to depict the value range of the apple. I was looking for four values - light, medium light, medium dark, dark. I started by laying in the medium light first, which pretty much dictated where the white would be. Next I darkened up some of my shadows on the back of the apple and around the background, leaving the darkest value for the shadow behind the apple (the cast shadow).
The next step was to do a monochromatic painting of the apple only trying to capture the value variances.
My husband liked the pencil drawing better than the watercolor - but he is missing the point. . . the idea was to capture the darks and lights, and I think I accomplished that. The last step of course will be to do a full drawing of the apple, relying on the picture, the sketch and of course the value painting. . . more to come! Firday it is off to Isla de Cabras (Goat Island) for painting.
Looks great!