Friday, January 6, 2012

Nuts for Coconuts

So . . . we didn't end up traveling around Puerto Rico.  First, it was rainy, and traveling around Puerto Rico in the best of weather conditions is not so fun, much less in the rain.  Instead, I spent the day painting.  The Sketch, Doodle, Draw challenge for the week was to draw/paint a tree.  I love trees too - there shape and all the ranges of greens.  However, living on the beach, gives a limited selection of which trees I am going to paint. 

I ended up painting a Palm Tree - duh....but, with a little different perspective. Several issues came up in painting this.  After the fact, I wish I had painted in the background sky prior to starting the tree.  Also, I think there could be more of the foliage showing and a bit more depth and variation on the coconuts.  Also, the coconuts in towards the right hand front of the painting are too large and are throwing the entire perspective off. 

I will consider this in the preliminary stages and am planning on reworking this on a larger piece of watercolor paper making the changes I have noted.  Comments are always welcomed. 

Nuts for Coconuts (Watercolor)

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